Friday, September 28, 2007

Lacy Woolease

Above is the Lacy Woolease sock. I'm supposed to sew the top down but I actually think I'll leave it this way. It's a very fast fun pattern and using thick yard helps the actual sock to work up fast. I'll wear them with clogs or just around the house.

Below is the Fortissima Disco sock...LOVE This yarn. Knitting up with size 2 needles (US) for the ribbing and size 1 (US) for the actual sock. I'm about halfway down the leg of the second one..but I really want to make some monkey socks ( so I think these will me my travelling socks for now.

Monday, September 17, 2007

that darn cat

I have two cats. A 16 pound main coon mix named Boots (blame the wee one for that) and a 4 pound kitten named Lola.

today I had to fight the two of them off of my yarn. and my wooden dpns. ARGH. I was working at the same time and now I have tooth marks all over my needles. They didn't bother to rip the yarn out too (thankfully) but I don't have a spare set of these...and no free time to get to my LYS.


Ok. So the Lacy Woolease sock #1 is done. Ended up ripping it out and starting again (don't ask). Number 2 is almost to the heel flap, and if the rest of tonight is quiet, tomorrow night as well- I should have that one done by then.

Also....switched the Dicso Colori socks to a size 1 needle...used a 2 on the ribbing and I think that the 2 is too big for this's very fine and I need a tighter knit.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Back to socks

Finished the hat. It sucks. When it starts to get colder I'll make a bigger one. It's cute and all...but came out a little shorter than I wanted it to...really should have done that one last inch in stockinette.


Currently working on a woolease sock. Fast knitting really- for a yahoo group KAL. Very pretty and easy pattern though so I think I"m going to play around with it in some different yarns to see what I can make.

But that sock is cream colored...and it's never a good idea for me to drag something light around and about so I'm also knitting a Fortissimma (I think..) gorgeous gray/silver threaded sock. That's going to be a boring old sock- ribbing, SS, foot. Great for Karate classes and the park and other times I just want to knit mindlessly.

And tomorrow is supposed to rain...thinking of seeing if I can finish the easy socks off.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Not liking the hat thing

I have decided that I dislike knitting hats. It's tedious. Boring. Not a lot of fun and I've been stuck at three freaking inches since last night.

I'm sure not all hats are boring. I'm knitting my in worsted, on size five needles so it's sorta small. It will be warm though right?

I need a sock. But if I start knitting a sock right now I"ll put the hat aside and never finish.

Oh. and she's requested matching mittens. I may have enough yarn left...not sure. I've never knitted mittens before -only crocheted them.

But I want to knit a new sock for me! Waaahhhh

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Here they are- finished them last night. For the most part I like how they came out- perfect for a five year old.

No pattern used. CO 40- 15 rows 2x2 ribbing, knit 50 rows, 15 more rows of 2x2 ribbing.

Should mention that I ripped the damn things out a million times before figuring out how many I needed for the CO.

The hat:

Yes. I know the picture is blurry. and I'm using a gigantic circular. But hey- I didn't have the needles I needed for any of the patterns I liked so I'm making my own. going to do ribbing a few inches...then just knit and decrease.

(should I mention that my kid has a big head?)

Monday, September 10, 2007


Since everyone else on earth is blogging about knitting I thought I'd join in on the fun.

I plan to use this to pretty much show off my works in progress and finished pieces.

Currently I'm making some leg warmers for my daughter- one down, the other to go. If I continue as is I'll have that finished tonight or tomorrow morning. Next would be a matching hat- but I need to find a pattern that I like first.

For the most part I am a sock knitter- and I have an obsession with reading knitting patterns, books, and buying sock yarn. I already told the little one I'd give her my credit card for christmas- and let her get me a bunch of sock yarn. ;)